i've always had a fear of riding motorcycles.
i have only rode as a passenger on a motorcycle once.
it was a harley and my uncle was the driver.
and it lasted all of 2 seconds.
and it lasted all of 2 seconds.
when i was getting ready to go overseas,
my friend decided to tell me that i'd have to ride on a motorcycle.
needless to say, i freaked out a bit.
after some prayer and serious pep-talks,
i accepted the fact that i'd have to ride on a motorcycle.
you see, motorcycles are a way of life overseas.
they just make the most sense in terms of travel.
i mean, everyone uses them
but sometimes there are parking issues
(yes, she's praying)
well, anyway, i had to make my first motorbike appearance.
my new friend, Tika, was the brave soul who volunteered
(yes, volunteered) to take me on my debut.
yea, we're gansters.
actually, i was totally using humor to mask my utter terror.
i survived.
yep, yep i did.
and i even learned to love it.
anticlimactic, huh?
i was excited for my next chance to ride on our
progressive-like dinner later that week.
yea, we look horrible, but we had an amazing time nonetheless.
motorcycle fear: conquered
one less obstacle in overseas living.
hope you enjoyed this week's edition of