Sunday, October 2, 2011


hey all.

not much to update about, but just wanted to drop a few lines to let you know what we've been up to.

thursday night/early morning friday morning i developed somethin somethin. after being up for a lot of the night, i slept until about 1pm...and then barely woke up the rest of the day. sadly, my friend, her roommate, and members of their team have been sick on and off since friday. your continued prayer for healing and strength from Father are appreciated!

saturday, my friend and i managed to venture out for a couple of hours, after sleeping in of course. coffee shop, public transportation, and a short trip grocery shopping proved sufficient for this venture. we spent the rest of the night just hanging out and having some introvert and Jesus times. 

today, we went to church and took communion. then we went to lunch and i had the absolute thrill of eating with my hands and drinking an almost-mango lassi. and then i rode on the motorcycle with taking my hands off the handles....while moving! it's the little things yea? after a short rest, we had dinner/worship with the team and it was refreshing. worshipping Father in my heart language is something that i take for granted.

in other news, i finished a book i never said i'd read-redeeming love-and am grateful for how Father will continue to use this book in my life as a tool to reveal His perfectly unconditional love for me. the other day, i started reading the heavenly man. honestly, i have never been so convicted with a believer's life outside of scripture. if you have not read it, i'm not asking you to consider reading it, i'm pleading with you to do so! you will only regret it if you don't desire to live whole-heartedly for the King who is worthy of all.

thank you for your continued prayer and encouragement. i have so much to process after this short stent here that i hope you look forward to more blogs to come in the coming months. love you and see some of  you in about a week!

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