Monday, May 31, 2010

letters to kimberlee

this is what my blog should be called. at least as of late. my dear friend kimber is my processing buddy. we would hike, drink chai, or just sit while i processed. she would listen to me and offer sound advice. and she has been known on occassion to simply laugh out loud at my stupid comments or trains of thought.

i know, the way i'm writing it sounds like she's dead or that something else is seriously wrong. not true.

well, kinda not true. what's wrong is that we are not within a seven minute drive of each other, rather a seven hour drive. and phone conversations just don't do it justice. without the face-to-face contact, there is just something missing. i have one word: juto.

so until i find another person to process with, or until we are reunited (with the exception of a few days, it will be just over two years), my blog will consist of weird, unprocessed info. there will also be a lot more blogs. for the jumbled and unfiltered thoughts and comments to come, please forgive me. for the seemingly excessive amount of blogs, i also ask forgiveness. i have no sifter to get the lumps out.

until next time (which will probably be a few hours....)

1 comment:

Kimberlee said...

You're funny. I love you :)