Sunday, August 3, 2008


145 were killed today, (or yesterday, or something), in India as the went to worship at a Hindu temple. here's the article.

145 people were lost and will never have the chance to worship King Jesus on earth, but will now worship Him as they bow before Him in judgment, (Phil 2:9-11).

145 people who could have had a chance to know Jesus, the Christ, the King.

how many more lost people have to die before believers are willing to tell them the truth? i know, i'm not perfect. i know i don't tell everyone i meet about Jesus, but i pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to stir in my a passion and drive to do so. maybe i'm mad at the world because i'm really going through some reverse culture, but legit, what in the world do we think we are doing? what do i think i'm doing?

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